title: Chroma
date: 0001-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 UTC
draft: false
author: John Roos

Code highlight demo using Chroma.

#REQUIRES -Version 4.0
    Reads an ini file and creates an object based on the content of the file
    Reads an ini file and creates an object based on the content of the file. One property per key/value. Sections will be named with surrounding brackets and will contain a list of objects based on the keys within that section.
    Comments will be ignored.

    Created by John Roos 
    Web: http://blog.roostech.se
    Get-Ini -Path "C:\config.ini"

    Opens the file config.ini and creates an object based on that file.
    Outputs an custom object of the type File.Ini
function Get-Ini {
    param (
        # Enter the path for the ini file
                   HelpMessage='Enter the path for the ini file')]
        [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_})]

        $iniFile = Get-Content $Path -Verbose:$false
        $currentSection = ''
        $currentKey = ''
        $currentValue = ''
        [hashtable]$iniSectionHash = [ordered]@{}
        [hashtable]$iniConfigArray = [ordered]@{}

        foreach ($line in $iniFile) {
            if ( $line.Trim().StartsWith('[') -and $line.EndsWith(']') ) {
                Write-Verbose "Found new section."
                if ($currentSection -ne ''){
                    Write-Verbose "Creating section property based on array:"
                    $keyobj = New-Object PSObject -Property $iniConfigArray
                    [hashtable]$iniConfigArray = @{}
                    Write-Verbose "Created section property: $currentSection"
                if ($iniConfigArray.count -gt 0) {
                    $rootSection = $iniConfigArray
                    [hashtable]$iniConfigArray = [ordered]@{}
                $currentSection = $line
                Write-Verbose "Current section: $currentSection"
            Write-Verbose "Parsing line: $line"
            if ( $line.Contains('=') ){
                $keyvalue = $line.Split('=')
                [string]$currentKey   = $keyvalue[0]
                [string]$currentValue = $keyvalue[1]
                $valuehash = @{
                    $currentKey = $currentValue
                $iniConfigArray.Add($currentKey, $currentValue)
                Write-Verbose "Added keyvalue: $($keyvalue[0]) = $($keyvalue[1])"
            <# below was for handling comments, but I wont do it...
              elseif ($line.Contains('#') -or $line.Contains(';')) {
                [string]$currentKey   = $line
                [string]$currentValue = ""
                $valuehash = @{
                    $currentKey = $currentValue
                $iniConfigArray.Add($currentKey, $currentValue)
                Write-Verbose "Added comment: $currentKey"
        $keyobj = New-Object PSObject -Property $iniConfigArray
        Write-Verbose "Created last section property: $currentSection"
        $result = New-Object PSObject -Property $iniSectionHash
        if ($rootSection) {
            foreach ($key in $rootSection.keys){
                Add-Member -InputObject $result -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $rootSection.$key
        Return $result

# Classes

class ComputerPSOverload1
    [string] $ComputerName
    [string] $Domain
    [string] GetFQDN() {
        if ($this.ComputerName -ne '' -and $this.Domain -ne ''){
            return "$($this.ComputerName).$($this.Domain)"
    [string] GetFQDN([string]$ComputerName, [string]$Domain) {
        if ($ComputerName -ne '' -and $Domain -ne ''){
            return "$ComputerName.$Domain"

class ComputerPSOverload2 : ComputerPSOverload1
    [string] GetFQDN([string]$prefix) {
        if ($this.ComputerName -ne '' -and $this.Domain -ne ''){
            return "$prefix$($this.ComputerName).$($this.Domain)"

# Pester

Describe 'Pester 5 Example' {
    foreach ($number in 1..10) {
        It "$number is a number" -TestCases @{'digit' = $number} {
            $digit | Should -BeOfType [int]

# Discovery
BeforeAll {
    # Run
Describe 'Discovery' -Tag 'Discovery' -Skip:$Discovery {
    # Discovery
    BeforeAll {
        # Run
    BeforeEach {
        # Run
    Context 'Discovery' -Tag 'Discovery' -Skip:$Discovery {
        BeforeAll {
            # Run
        BeforeEach {
            # Run
        # Discovery
        It "Discovery" -Tag 'Discovery' -TestCases @{'Discovery' = 'Discovery'} -Skip:$Discovery {
            # Run
        AfterEach {
            # Run
        AfterAll {
            # Run
    AfterEach {
        # Run
    AfterAll {
        # Run
AfterAll {
    # Run
# Discovery

# Strings
$str = @"
This is my $string. There are ${many} like it, but this one is mine.

$str = @'
This is my $string. There are ${many} like it, but this one is mine.

$str = "This is my $string. There are ${many} like it, but this one is mine."
$str = 'This is my $string. There are ${many} like it, but this one is mine.'